To ensure necessary safety level of guests and staff both uniform service standards and generally accepted fire safety instructions in each temporary accommodation facility must be applied.
Thus, each hospitality facility needs to provide strict control measures:
- Appointment of officials responsible for fire safety in the relevant facilities. Order number and completeness of order processing on the appointment of officials responsible for for fire safety (order);
- Fire safety training certificate;
- Availability and completeness of filling in instructions and orders that establish the appropriate fire regime;
- Availability and general and practical content of evacuation scheme and evacuation plan;
- Availability and maintenance of fire protection automatic systems and means of communication;
- Availability and validity of relevant contracts for the maintenance of an automatic fire alarm system;
- Availability of approved facility fire safety instruction;
- Technical condition and operability of electrical wiring, devices, fire alarm system;
- Availability and operability of external and internal water supply for fire-fighting;
- Operability of fire water tanks and hydrants and primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire hoses, fire extinguishers, fire safety corners);
- Fire department emergency phone number plates;
- Conducting briefings on fire safety rules with employees of the facility;
- Availability of instructions on fire safety rules and fire evacuation scheme from facilities;
- Fire-protection maintenance of buildings, premises and other constructions;
- Availability of certificates of conformity for all fire protection means and construction and finishing materials;
- Completeness of fire cabinet boxes and filtering devices for self-rescue during a fire;
- Condition and availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers) including date of last check.
Facilities must have:
- General instruction on fire safety measures for structural units;
- Instruction on staff actions in the event of a threat or emergencies;
- Instruction on fire safety for washing rooms;
- Instruction on fire safety in the electrical control room;
- Instruction on fire safety in service premises and offices;
- Instruction on maintenance and operation of primary fire extinguishing equipment;
- The "Lift in case of fire" sign;
- Order No. 1417 of 30/12/2014 "On Approval of the Fire Safety Rules in Ukraine";
- Order about responsible persons for fire safety in the company;
- Hotel fire safety memo;
- Memo for hotel guests;
- Evacuation plan in case of fire at night;
- Evacuation plan in case of fire during the day;
- The “Fire!” sign;
- Order “On the procedure for employees of the company to pass briefings, special training and knowledge testing on fire safety issues";
- Order “On practical training of evacuation plan”;
- Order “On hotel fire safety”;
- Program of introductory fire safety briefing;
- Evacuation plans in corridors;
- Evacuation plans in rooms;
- Fire alarm system;
- Gas masks;
- Contracts for the maintenance of fire safety system;
- Registration log of introductory briefing on labor protection;
- Registration log of briefings on labor protection in workplace;
- Registration log of instructions on labor protection;
- Registration log of persons affected by accidents;
- Registration log of fire extinguishers;
- Registration log of medical examinations;
- Registration log of briefings on fire safety;
- Registration log of checks;
- Registration log of knowledge tests protocols;
- Appointment of officials responsible for fire safety in the relevant facilities. Order number and completeness of order processing on the appointment of officials responsible for for fire safety (order);
- Fire safety training certificate;
- Availability and completeness of filling in instructions and orders that establish the appropriate fire regime;
- Availability and general and practical content of evacuation scheme and evacuation plan;
- Availability and maintenance of fire protection automatic systems and means of communication;
- Availability and validity of relevant contracts for the maintenance of an automatic fire alarm system;
- Availability of approved facility fire safety Instruction;
- Technical condition and operability of electrical wiring, devices, fire alarm system;
- Availability and operability of external and internal water supply for fire-fighting;
- Operability of fire water tanks and hydrants and primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire hoses, fire extinguishers, fire safety corners);
- Fire department emergency phone number plates;
- Conducting briefings on fire safety rules with employees of the facility;
- Availability of instructions on fire safety rules and fire evacuation scheme from facilities;
- Fire-protection maintenance of buildings, premises and other constructions;
- Availability of certificates of conformity for all fire protection means and construction and finishing materials;
- Completeness of fire cabinet boxes and filtering devices for self-rescue during a fire;
- Condition and availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers) including date of last check.