After a year of fruitful work on the book "More than Service" we are finally ready to present it to you, so we are opening pre-orders on This book turns the concept of service upside down. It teaches you to think outside the box, dispels the preconceptions that "service is expensive" or "service is not relevant".

The author of the book, Arthur Lupashko, a hotel developer and founder of the management company Ribas Hotels Group, created it as an inspiration and motivation to implement a unique customer experience and show sincere care for his clients. In addition to the author's own experience, the book contains case studies and practical tools from such businessmen and figures:

20 top businessmen and business executives told how to build a customer-oriented and competitive business in Ukraine when everyone knows how to smile and ask: "Did you like everything?".

The book "More than Service" is already available for pre-order on our website